For over 35 years, Studio Spectrum has been a leader in developing creative solutions to meet our client’s needs.
Originally, Studio Spectrum, Inc. had been involved in the technical support and supply of equipment and facilities to the professional motion picture and television industries based in Hollywood. Since 1981 we have expanded our focus to provide this range of services to other markets.
Growing from a background as an award winning production company in the film and radio mediums, the then emerging professional video equipment revolution provided a demand for a more complete approach to serving a new group of clients.

"Today Studio Spectrum is at the forefront of the Internet revolution."

Studio Spectrum, Inc. is now recognized as one of the industry leaders in providing government, education, religious, corporate and independent producers with all that is needed to participate fully in successful video, internet and multi-media strategies for their enterprises.
Today Studio Spectrum is at the forefront of the Internet revolution.
From Film, to Video, to the Internet Studio Spectrum has helped pioneer the way.
Studio Spectrum is Established with Corporate Offices Located in Burbank, CA
Became an Award Winning Production Company in the Film and Radio Mediums
Expanded Our Focus to Provide a Range of Services to the then Emerging Professional Video Equipment Revolution
Helped Pioneer the Way From Film, to Video, to the Internet
Recognized as One of the Industry Leaders in Providing Successful Video, Internet, and Multi-media Strategies for Many Enterprises
Studio Spectrum is at the Forefront of the Internet Revolution
Project Examples:
This local university recently identified the need to renovate older classrooms to support current technology and become compliant with ADA accessibility laws.
The KIPP LA team identified the need to support current technology in the realm of audio, video, and lighting. KIPP LA schools shortly after, selected Studio Spectrum as their trusted audio, video and lighting specialist to get the “dream” done!
What's New:
Our clients have been asking us to include some sort of wireless display device in our AV installations. The interest in this need is obvious, everyone is excited to get away from VGA and HDMI cables coiled up on conference room tables – or even piled on the floor. … Read More